As a disclaimer, I've been very clear about my fervent dislike for Calle 13. Soooo, although I tried to be unbiased in my review, it was difficult to get past the fact that these cats just nauseate me. That beign said, I heard the Residente o Visitante album and hoped that maybe, just maybe, I would find some redeeming qualities in it -- be it great production or lyrical proficiency. Nope. Not at all. In fact, I'm left to wonder if all those people raving about these guys actually took the time to listen to the alum.
Residente makes a deliberate effort to be vulgar and offensive on every track -- now mind you, I'm hardly a puritan, but vulgar references aren't even enjoyable when they're so clearly made to provoke a sense of shock. There's no artistry here -- just a string of moronic verses that seek to cause discomfort and spark controversy (and I'm not easily shocked, so whatever). Sadly, the whole gimmick has worked -- journos describe Residente as being defiant or being undeterred by standards of decency. Truth be told, it's not that Residente says what's on his mind -- that would make him a GOOD artist; it's the opposite -- the isht is forced and therefore, completely inauthentic. Need examples? Let's break it down with some actual tracks:
"La Fuckin Moda"
-- Let's just pick out this verse: "Tienes los tenis embarraos de caca/Te paraste en un mojón color de espinaca." Loosely translated, it means "Your sneakers are covered in shit/You steppened on a turd the color of spinach." THIS is supposed to be revolutionary? Come on, now!
-- And, of course, there's the oh-so-clever hook "Quien es este cabrón infeliz?" Uhmmm..Riiiiiiight.
"Malasuerte Con El 13"
-- In an R.Kelly-ish turn, Calle 13 asks a girl to pee on him ("Oriname en el pecho") and goes on to talk about how, when he has sex, he climaxes in no time ("Cuando lo hundo hasta lo más profundo/ me vengo rápido"). Sure, he's supposed to be self-deprecating, but the obscanity-laden track really isn't funny or catchy in the slightest. Just retarded.
"Algo Con Sentido"
-- On this one, he steers clear of his usual focus on genitalia and goes on and on about how he's crazy and no one understandas him. I think this is his wannabe Eminem circa the Slim Shady LP years because he talks about wanting to chop heads off with barbed wire, wanting to kindap naked people and rip off their genitals, etc. ("Presiento que va a haber mucha sangre/vamos a cortar cabezas con alambres de búa/Vamos a secuestrar gentes desnudas y cortarle las tetas, los pipis y las totas"). Seriously, given how F'd up the world is right now (from the Virginia Tech massacre to the constant crimes of passion taking place), it's hardly the time to release a song that celebrates psychosis and violence for violence's sake.
A'ight, so now that you've actually read some of the lyrics, can I get an Amen?
Just cause you don;t like them, doesn;t mean everybody else does. these guys are very puerto rican, barrio like, and they say what is on their mind with humor. Cause it's intentional to get people offended. He even apologizes, cause he knows that's exactly what is gonna happen. So just enjoy and laugh, and if you don't like it, then don't listen to it, and you'll be all fine.... And they are not REGGAETON, they even said so themselves. People that just don't have a music talent have no idea what to call a new sound, so they'll classify it as regaetton, cause "it's spanish and that's the latest spanish craze right??" Uuummm, NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO....
Hi Celia, I enjoy your articles very much. I must ask you, Is there personal beef between you and Calle 13? or you don't like edgy music?
TO me there group is good they speak the truth. Its not there problem that u take it to the ass. they never said nothing about you.If u dont like it dont listen to it. that what I have to say about.
To me calle 13 cool. so keep ur comments to yourself. He is good spanish rapper.
Yo respeto tus reviews, pero, primero Calle 13 no es una banda que toca realmente regueton sino una mezcla experimental de ritmos internacionales con rap alternativo; Si, podemos escuchar el tipico beat del "Dem-Bow" en algunas canciones como el "Tango del Pecado", pero es simplemente parte del caldo cultural de esta musicalmente aclamada banda.
Veo tambien como te concentras en las liricas mas que en el acoplo total y el paneo de su musica, perdon, en este review SOLO te concentraste en sus liricas; Que por cierto son inteligentemente escritas para proveer, como dijiste, ese efecto de shock y sobre todo, hacer una critica sarcastica de diferentes grupos sociales, culturales, o ect.
Overall, de que es cuestion de gustos, lo es, pero Calle 13 es en la escena urbana una de las MUY pocas bandas que se merecen mi respeto, la musica no es pagarle a un DJ para que haga una pista y rapear sobre como quieres bailar all night long. La musica es componer nota tras nota y tener una buena harmonia y compatibilidad musical.
Saludos desde Republica Dominicana.
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