Señores y señoras, check out this photo of Ivy Queen -- La Caballota looks better than ever (and hopefully, this pic will finally silence all those who keep talking smack about Ivy looking like a dude or whatever... ) Okay, fine, so the wig is a little too Mirta de Perales-meets-the Flying-Nun for my taste, but she still looks dope. Truth is, Ivy is quite pretty in person — but seriously, why does it even matter? People throw so much hate her way and all the BS just comes from the fact that she's a woman in a male-dominated game and that she can spit better than 99% of the dudes in the game.
And yes, there is a difference between spitting and singing -- Zion sings, Yandel sings, even Don Omar (for the most part) sings (let's face it, Don became famous because of isht like "Dile" and "Pobre Diabla" and not "Donkeo"); Yankee is a straight spitter, as is Hector el Father. But Ivy manages to both sing and rhyme and, when this chick rhymes, she devours 'em -- straight up.
Her new single, "Que Lloren" (produced by Urba y Monserrate), just hit radio and it's phenomenal -- as usual, the subject matter is clever and fresh and Ivy sings/rhymes with so much passion and feeling. Los Jedais do a good job of adding drama through cleverly layered synths, as Ivy talks debunks the myth that men don't cry, arguing that love can make us all shed tears and that, rather than seeking solace in the arms of rebounds or mistresses, men NEED to learn how to cry and express what they're feeling. Now, THAT's sentimiento!
caballota you're the best
del regeton
love lulu
ivi queen tu eres la diva de divas
nadie como tu para cantar regeton
tu eres la mejor siue cantanado
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